
Ladies Heat Defiant Synthetic Color Ring

Jon Renau

The Ladies Heat Defiant Color Ring is used for Jon Renau and easihair HD synthetic toppers and wigs. Heat defiant, or HD, hairpieces are made up of synthetic hair fibers which are specifically designed to withstand heat. You can straighten or curl Heat Defiant hairpieces using heat up to 350 degrees. Although you can use heat up to 350 degrees on Heat Defiant hairpieces, it is recommended that you stay around 280 degrees to keep the hairpiece looking lively.

Jon Renau and easihair Heat Defiant colors include the following shades:

  • Blacks/Browns: 1B, 1BRH30, 4, 4/27/30, 4/33, 6, 6/33, 6F27, 8, 8/30, 8RH14, 10H24B, 10/26TT, 12/30BT
  • Blondes: 14/24, 14/26, 22F16, 22MB, 24B22, 24B18/24BT18, 27T613 , 27B
  • Reds: 27MB, 31/26, 32F , 33
  • Greys/Platinums: 38, 56F51, 56/51, 60, 101F48T, 101/48T, 613
  • Shaded/Syrup: FS2V/31V - Chocolate Cherry, FS4/33/30A - Midnight Cocoa, FS6/30/27 - Toffee Truffle, FS26/31 - Caramel Syrup, FS27 - Strawberry Syrup, FS613/24B - Honey Syrup, 12FS8 - Shaded Praline, 12FS12 - Malibu Blonde, 14/26S10 - Shaded Pralines N Cream, 22F16S8 - Venice Blonde, 24B613S12 - 24B613S12, 24B/27CS10 - 24B/27CS10, 24BT18S8 - Shaded Mocha, FS24/102S12 - Laguna Blonde, FS26/31S6 - Salted Caramel, 27T613S8 - Shaded Sun , 30A27S4 - Shaded Peach, FS17/101S18 - Palm Springs Blonde
BRANDJon Renau

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